
Showing posts from March, 2012

Over the weekend:

-Math: Finish Math Journal p. 244, 246, 247 and fix any of the items you missed. -Math: SL 8-8

NMSBA testing starts this week:

Starting Tuesday, March 27, and continuing until April 10, the class will be taking the New Mexico Standards-Based Assessments in Reading, Math, and Science. During that time-frame, we’ll be taking the 7 sessions of the assessment Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday mornings before lunch each day. Please make sure your daughter or son is present, on-time , and well-rested every day during testing. So that we get a true assessment of skills, please encourage your child to give their best effort in these tests. Good nutrition, a positive attitude, and getting enough sleep are vital to test success.

Over the weekend:

-Math: SL 8-6 (p. 185). Use a tape-measure to find the area of another, larger room in your house. -3rd quarter progress reports went home with students today. Please sign the green slip and send it back to school with your son or daughter on Monday. My conference schedule for Friday is already pretty full. Spring conferences are not necessary for all students, but if you'd like to meet, please email me and we can set up a time after-school next week.

For Thursday:

-Math: SL 8-5 (p. 183). Use a tape-measure or a ruler to measure the length and width of your bedroom to the nearest foot. Ask your parents to help you if you need it. Make a rough drawing of the floor plan, label your measurements, and find the area using the A = L x W formula. -Spelling: Written work is due. Study for the quiz. -3rd quarter report cards will go home with students on Thursday. There's no school on Friday for parent-teacher conferences. I’ve already scheduled meetings with some of you, and I meet with some parents fairly regularly, so conferences are not mandatory for all students. If I haven’t contacted you and you’d like to meet, please email me at or call me at school at 751-7222, ext 221 to make an appointment.

For Wednesday:

-Math: SL 8-4 (p. 181)

For Tuesday:

-Math: SL 8-1 and 8-3 (skip 8-2 for now). Deliver the Unit 8 parent letter.

Spelling List 3/19/12

1. famous 2. infamous 3. fact 4. opinion 5. deceive 6. recuperate 7. area 8. perimeter 9. voyage 10. Vernal Equinox 11. primavera (spring) 12. diez y seis (sixteen) 13. Make hay while the sun shines.

Have a great Spring Break! See you on the 19th.

For Friday:

-Science report final drafts are due on Friday. Complete Steps 10 to 13 on the checklist. -From March 12-15, FITaos is running a spring break day-camp for 4th-6th graders that looks really fun. Flyers went home with students on Tuesday. For more information, email or call Liana Sonne at 779-6693.

For Wednesday:

-Science: Steps 7 and 8 on the purple checklist. Say more. Expand your paragraphs. Add more facts, details, information, and examples.

For Tuesday:

-Science: Complete Steps #3 and #4 on the purple checklist. Five paragraph rough drafts are due for me to check on Tuesday.

Spelling List 3/5/12

1. probability 2. certain 3. likely 4. unlikely 5. impossible 6. accumulate 7. dismayed 8. license 9. accomplishment 10. deportes (sports) 11. baloncesto (basketball) 12. Do onto others as you would have them do onto you.

Over the weekend:

-Science: Hopefully, you've found and read a lot of information about your topic during the past week. Use your outlines and all your notes to start writing the first 2 or 3 paragraphs of the rough draft (Step #2 and #3 on the purple checklist).

Mr. G's Group

Math Students are currently working through the chapters at varying paces. Reading Students are to read, Detective Bob and the Case of the Scream Machine, Lesson 20, under the Advanced Reader tab, and complete questions at the end of the book. Questions are due Tuesday, March 6th.

For Friday:

-Science: Continue step #5 on the blue sheet, and complete step #1 on the purple sheet. Use the outline format that you learned about in class today. Outlines are due Friday.